Sunday, April 14, 2013

Austrian Elvis Awaits in Ottakring

Yes he does! As Katie and I experienced, the minute we stepped out of the U-bahn, he was there, waiting for his Strassenbahn. 
"Where do you ladies come from?"
"We're from America."
"Oh! I am also from your country. I speak your language. You may have heard of me, I grew up in Memphis, Tennessee and my name is Elvis Presley."

And then he proceeded to tell us about the time he dyed his hair black to look even more like him. It was kinda fun :)

Since we'd never been in this part of town, we decided to hop onto the Strassenbahn to get a better idea of where we were. After riding for a few minutes, our car came to a street filled with people. We jumped off, and realized we were at the Brunnenmarkt.

But instead of the bluesy music, the Brunnenmarkt held more of the Rock and Roll atmosphere Elvis was better known for. People milled around in a fantastic energy, vendors called to potential customers selling their wares, and there we were-- lost somewhere in the middle. The colors of produce filled me with joy. Vegetables! Oh how I had begun to miss them so much after a steady diet of bread and meat. But all around me were more vegetables than at the Naschmarkt.

 Since it wasn't a touristy district, the prices were quite a bit more reasonable. There were hardly any other people walking around with cameras, but nonetheless, Monica was there with hers, taking pictures of some flowers she had found.
BOOM. Monica's flowers

Best moment, her walking towards me, holding out her flowers in one hand, the other holding her camera with the biggest grin on her face. And the little old man standing next to me watching her looking so confused. 

With all of the delicious produce around us, we thought it'd be lovely to make some hamburgers for dinner. We picked up some lettuce, tomatoes, fresh bread, carrots, and strawberries for dessert. Everything was surprisingly cheap. We may have found our new favorite Saturday marketplace! You guys should check it out sometime.
Katie and Monica

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